见见我们的毕业生:这位女演员 & 希望esball官方网势不可挡

奥利维亚Lancellotta sits in dressing room in full costume

“你只有一次生命. 我努力抓住每一个机会,” says 奥利维亚Lancellotta.

奥利维亚Lancellotta is one of the hardest working actresses at RIC.

A graduating senior who’s double majoring in theatre and communication, Lancellotta averaged a jaw-dropping 27 credits a semester and still managed to maintain a high enough GPA to earn her a 希望奖学金* and free tuition.

在班上名列前茅, 她在校外做两份工作, 一份校内工作, attending rehearsals for RIC performances that could run until 10 or 11 p.m. at night and commuting to New York for auditions in professional theatre.

You’d expect someone like that to be bleary-eyed or at least in a perpetual bad mood from lack of sleep (her average bedtime, 她说, 2是a吗?.m.), but Lancellotta remains bright-eyed, with the energy of a cheerleader. What’s evident is that she simply loves what she does. 


“I’ve been commuting to auditions in New York since my junior year, 但我也在罗德岛试镜, 波士顿和康涅狄格,她说。. “There’s a lot of great regional theatre in New England where someone starting out can get their feet wet.”

Her first professional show was last summer. She performed in “Oklahoma” at the Reagle Music 剧院 in Boston.

对于任何有抱负的演员来说,这都是件大事. But if you ask Lancellotta to point to the show she enjoyed most, she’d say “Cry-Baby” – RIC’s spring musical, 引用伟大的音乐, the strong cast and the overall direction of the production. “It was also my last show here and the first time I’ve played the lead role, 所以这很特别,她说。.

Onstage scence from the musical Cry-Baby

故事发生在20世纪50年代, this musical is about a straitlaced teenage girl who falls for a juvenile delinquent boy. Their relationship throws the community into an uproar, with the conservative squares facing off against the leather-clad delinquents.

One of Lancellotta’s pre-show rituals is to put images that are character inspired or time-period specific on her dressing room mirror. “爱哭,” the images she chose included magazine covers from the 50s, images of people dancing swing and a photo of Johnny Depp who played Cry-Baby in the original film (see headline photo).

“你可以做困难的事情. I remind myself and others of that all the time. Sometimes things may seem overwhelming, but you can do it.” 

Lancellotta states that RIC prepared her “immensely” for professional work in the theatre: “Our professors are also our directors, 编舞和音乐总监. 他们都有专业经验, so they teach from their experience and prepare you to be a professional when you graduate.”

The actress is using the skills gained from her second major – communication – to keep from becoming another starving artist.

She runs the social media sites for Advanced Production & 设计, an event management company in North Kingstown, and for Emerald City Theatrical Costumes, a company that rents professional costumes for regional shows. The beauty of both jobs is that she gets to work remotely.

What quickly becomes evident is that she simply loves what she does.

When asked how she manages to stay physically and mentally sane with such a hectic work schedule, Lancellotta pauses and then thoughtfully replies:

“你只有一次生命. 我努力抓住每一个机会. 真正的.”

“I also live day by day and not too far into the future,她说。. “我不会想得太远. I think about what I need to do now, at this moment.”

她承认:“我并不总是这样. I credit my voice teacher and mentor, Flo St. 珍,你教会了我这种生活方式. 她是一个特别的人. 她看到了我是如何不断压制自己. 我不再那样做了.” 

“我不会想得太远. I think about what I need to do now, at this moment.” 

“There’s something else Flo told me that has stuck with me. 她说,‘你可以做困难的事情.’ I remind myself and others of that all the time,” says Lancellotta. “Sometimes things may seem overwhelming, but you can do it.”

“So, it’s these little mindsets,” she concludes, “that can change your overall mindset.”

更不用说这一切都很有趣. Be it stage, film or television, Lancellotta intends to revel in a theatrical career. “The biggest thing theatre gives me is community,她说。. “我无法想象没有它的生活.”

*Lancellotta目前正在主演一部 希望奖学金的电视广告.