Web Accessibility


esball官方网致力于使用万维网联盟(W3C) AA级定义的最佳实践和标准使其网站易于访问。 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0​. 是否有任何用户在访问本网站的内容时遇到困难或对可访问性有顾虑, 请致电401-456-8849或 theweb@sh-fyz.com

Policy Statement

esball官方网致力于通过采取合理措施来支持其数字资源的可访问性,使我们的网络存在可访问性和包容性, including its websites, to students, 雇员和/或公众根据《esball官方网》和1973年《esball官方网》第504条(第504条). This Web Accessibility Policy provides information and guidelines regarding the College's efforts to make its websites accessible; and outlines the process by which individuals may seek assistance with website accessibility issues.


​Checklist for Content Editors​

​This checklist was written by OHO Interactive​.

Emphasize Plain Language

  • Strive for brevity and clarity
  • Simple word choices, not bulky phrasing (e.g. “because” not “due to the fact that”)
  • Aim for short sentences and paragraphs without compromising meaning; aim for one concept per sentence and one broader concept per paragraph.
  • For complex or lengthy text such as disclosures, disclaimers, and instructions, write as concisely and clearly as possible, 创建一个层次结构,将此内容与页面上的其他内容区分开来.
  • Avoid jargon, slang, acronyms, pedagogical terms, unnecessarily technical language, and internal-facing process language
  • Maintain no higher than Grade 10 readability level
  • 使用海明威之类的工具来评估你的内容的可读性
  • Avoid hackneyed phrases and idioms (“Get your ducks in a row”; “Bang for your buck”; “Get the ball rolling”) - readers from other cultures may not be familiar with their meaning
  • Avoid unnecessary use of superlatives and adjectives (e.g. 我们的示范研究设施)以及夸张或未经证实的主张(如.g. 我们有最成功的学生),这可能会拖累你的语言. Instead, 让这些特征的特性用事实来说明自己, data, or rich, descriptive imagery.
  • Avoid repetition. 它往往会模糊你的观点,而不是强化它
  • 在你的文章中使用一致的术语来加强理解

Create Content Inclusively

  • Avoid directional language (e.g. 当提到页面内容时,请阅读下面的内容(参见上面的菜单)
  • Page layout should make content references intuitive
  • 这些引用与使用屏幕阅读器或其他阅读网页的替代方法的个人无关
  • 由于响应式设计,在一个上下文中的“右边”可能在另一个上下文中的“下面”
  • 始终使用所有文本的图像,以允许盲人使用“说话”的浏览器
  • 作为慢速连接的用户,要从图片内容中收集意义
  • Describe what is happening in the image (e.g. “Students studying in a library”)
  • Alt文本具有可搜索的好处,增强了SEO
  • 不要仅仅依靠视觉或音频交流(图像, shape, size, (声音)来传达对理解内容至关重要的信息.
  • Avoid PDFs where possible.
  • HTML标头标签通过组织、确定优先级和标记内容来帮助创建层次结构. 使用清晰、描述性语言的标题来分割文本,引导读者浏览页面.

Link Efficiently

  • Make links descriptive and actionable (e.g. "Apply now"; "View event calendar”)
  • “点击这里”这个词对搜索引擎或用户来说没有价值
  • 在链接文本中使用关键字,只要它们不影响意思或清晰度
  • 如果链接指向非html页面,则指出文档类型.g. Read the manual [PDF])
  • 不要用不必要的超链接来混淆文本,因为它们会分散用户的注意力
  • 正文中的链接不应该复制页面导航

Consider Web Page Structure


  • Use simple URL structures; 3-5 words
  • 使用描述性的、相关的关键字,为搜索引擎和用户提供上下文
  • Use hyphens instead of underscores

Meta description

  • 描述在您的页面上找到的内容的唯一副本
  • Maximum of 150-160 characters
  • 强大的元描述可以提高搜索引擎结果页面(serp)的流量
  • Echo keywords used in the title; balance keywords with compelling, 描述性语言,使人类和机器都能理解信息
  • Avoid quotes; stick to alpha-numeric characters

Page Title

  • Defines title of a web document; should be unique with a consistent format site-wide
  • Less than 70 characters
  • 显示在Google搜索结果和浏览器标题栏(也是书签的默认文本)
  • Use meaningful words; avoid vague acronyms with no first reference or context (e.g. “MCM”(即当代音乐大师)可能会疏远或混淆用户和搜索引擎, 除非缩略语是目标受众普遍理解的.g. MBA)
  • Echo keywords used in meta description. Balance use of keywords with compelling, 描述性语言,使人类和机器都能理解信息
  • 将关键字放在标题前(主关键字-次关键字|品牌名称)